Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Shy Girl

Do you know who I envy? People, especially other women, that have an outgoing, friendly personality. You know the type. The woman that can make everyone feel special and important. That can strike up a conversation with anyone and make it seem like they've been best friends forever. The woman that has a genuine compliment for anyone she encounters.

Let me be real with you...That's not me. I am awful at small talk. If I run into someone at the grocery store, even someone I know well and am usually comfortable with, I feel awkward. It's as if my brain just shuts down. I have no idea what to say and I'm even worse at ending the conversation. I won't easily approach someone to say hi, because let's face it, beyond that one word, I don't know where to carry the conversation.

Today was another prime example. My boys have swimming lessons every day. Everyday I see the same women. Everyday these women are laughing and talking about trivial things. I yearn to be a part of the conversations. But instead, I sit back. I utter a small "Hi" and smile. That's it. I have not mastered the art of casually squeezing myself in.

Growing up, I was a shy little girl. Somehow, though, through the grace of God, I managed to make friends. But as I've gotten older, my shyness was mistaken as snobbery. Unless a person took the time to have a one-on-one conversation with me, they only saw a woman standing off to the side, not saying anything and seemingly unwilling to do so. I have heard from multiple ladies, ladies that are now my friends, that upon first seeing me, they thought I was stuck up.

It seems like such a juvenile problem. But it is definitely something that I struggle with. I realize this is how God made me, but I also realize that God wants me to be a light to others. How can I possibly be that when I appear stand offish.

This post isn't about having people feel sorry for me. It's not a pity-party. It just occurred to me that more than likely there are others that deal with the same thing. I want to acknowledge this battle. I want to acknowledge that this struggle is real! Maybe one of you has dealt with this and overcome! I would love to hear some tips and ideas on how you worked through it.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer Break

Summer break is upon us! I have been so ready for this. Not only was I ready to have leisurely days ahead of me, but I missed having Evan at home with me. I always look forward to the days that we can all be together, even if we're not doing anything extraordinary.

What I tend to forget about is the constant fighting! We're only on day 4 of our summer vacation and I've lost my temper with my boys multiple times!!! They bicker and fight all day long!

How can two such innocent and sweet looking little boys be so ready to kill each other!

I realize, from my own life experiences, that siblings will fight. But at this rate, I won't have any hair left by the end of the summer. So my question to all you mommas out there is "What tips or tricks do you have to keep order in your home throughout the summer months?" I'm ready to enforce some changes so that we can all truly enjoy our time together this summer.

Friday, May 22, 2015

And the Heavens opened...

For anyone familiar with West Texas, you know that we receive little rain. For the past several years, we've been under a drought...but this year.....this year God has gifted us with so much rain!

It's an enormous blessing to receive a short bout of rain at some point in the day, but to have overcast, drizzly weather two and three days in a row is something extremely special!

We haven't had to water our grass at all this spring! These pictures were taken yesterday evening. My view hasn't changed much since then, but I am loving it so much!

 This is actually perfect crafting weather. Since my hubby decided to do me a huge favor and take the boys for the afternoon, I'm going to try my hand at painting a few canvases for Penelope's room. I'm excited for the project, but intimidated as well. I am not at all familiar with painting techniques, so this will be a true learning experience for me! I will definitely post the results when they're done, which could be a few days or even weeks. So check back often!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Hello Everyone! I realize that it has been several years since I last posted anything. I'll be honest, I lost interest in blogging almost immediately after starting this blog. But for months now, I have considered jumping back into the blogging world. I need a creative outlet and this seemed to be the most logical place for the time being. So here I am!

I'll admit, even though I have felt ready to blog for months already, I put it off, telling myself "I need to redesign my blog first. I need it to look pretty" or "I need to have more professional looking pictures to post before I start. I need to take some photography classes first". Today, I decided it was time to start, regardless of the way my blog looks or the quality of my pictures! So rather than seeing a perfectly perfect blog, you'll get to watch me learn and improve through my posts.

I never properly introduced myself, even at the creation of this blog. My name is Tina. I am the mother to three beautifully imperfect kids, Evan, Mason and sweet little Penelope (who is currently throwing a fit over who knows what). I'm married to a man that has challenged everything I thought I knew about myself, yet has helped me grow in so many ways. I love using my creativity, whether it's redoing furniture, decorating for events, doing crafts or in this case, writing. I just survived my first home reno which allowed me to express myself in my home. I'm currently assisting in planning and designing a wedding as well as decorating my baby girl's nursery. As you can see, I don't limit myself to any one type of creative avenue.

I'm excited to see where this blog takes me and to get to know my readers! Thanks for stopping in!

Photo Credit:BonBons Photography

Monday, July 11, 2011

Side Tables

I'm having a bit of dilemma at the moment. I just bought two amazing sidetables to refinish. My plans were to put them in our bedroom as nightstands, but seeing them next to my old nightstands, they just look too long! I have thought of cutting them shorter, but I'm afraid of ruining them. And even if I don't ruin them, it might be way more work than it's worth. Maybe I just need to get used to them. Have any of you ever used sidetables as nightstands? How did you like it? Let me know your thoughts!

Dynamic Marriage Banquet 2011

Our Banquet is now behind us! The week before was a bit chaotic. Especially since I'm the type of person that likes to do everything myself. But with a little help, I was able to pull it all together! The banquet room looked amazing, but what I wasn't prepared for was the air conditioning not keeping up with the heat. It was about 90 degrees in there!!! Needless to say, I was a complete stress case about the whole situation. Everyone said they had a great time, but as soon as the program was over, they all made a mad dash outside! I didn't blame them, but it was disappointing to see it over so quickly because of the heat. But it's done and over with now, so no point in dwelling on the things that didn't go right!

This is the amazing outfit I mentioned in my previous post!!! I am still in love with it and looking for another reason to wear it!

I'm linking up to
Wow Us Wednesdays

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Chaos That Is My Life

I've been neglecting my blog for nearly three months now. In the beginnning, I felt that there just wasn't anything going on in my life that was interesting enough to write about. Then everything seemed to come at the same time and now it was a matter of finding time to sit down and actually get a post ready. At this point, I hardly know where to start.

I might as well begin at the beginning. In March, John and I facilitated an eight week marriage class, Dynamic Marriage.
For anyone that hasn't heard of it before, let me tell you that, in my opinion, this class is God's gift to marriages!!! I feel that everyone should attend one of these classes at least once in their life, because not one person can claim they have the perfect marriage and we should be aware of all the tools that can get us just a little bit closer to that unreachable goal.(For more info on this course, send me a message or just google "Family Dynamics Institute").

Anyway, facilitating this class made our life busy, but I didn't mind. I felt that I needed something to do. But things seemed to get crazy after that! Easter holidays, family gatherings, etc. We made a trip to Kansas for a worship gig John had at one of the local churches at the end of March. Besides all of that, John's truck decided that it was his time to go. After already spending thousands of dollars into that thing, just this year alone, we decided it was time to get something else. This resulted in us flying to San Antonio to get another truck for my hubby.

It doesn't end there, though. For each of our Dynamic Marriage classes, we put together a banquet for our graduates. I love planning and decorating for them, but it is a lot of work and stress. Especially when we can't find a date that works for each of our couples and when we do find a date, the building we want to rent for the event is already taken!!! I did finally narrow it down to one day out of the entire summer that works for everyone and we just had to make do with another location for the banquet. I've been shopping and getting things together for this banquet for several weeks, if not months, now. I've got some great ideas for the decorating and can't wait to see it when it's finished. I just hope all the work I put into it will be appreciated by at least one person.

The scariest thing I've taken on this summer is VBS! I've never been in charge of it and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what I'm doing!!! This project keeps me up at night and I have moments where I nearly have a panic attack when I think about it! But I am blessed with many friends who have volunteered to help me where ever and when ever I need them!! Thank God for that. With everything else that was going on in my life, I started planning this a little later than I should have, so I am having to get my butt in gear to get this all figured out and situated in time. To make that a little easier, I planned the entire event for the last week of July. Most churches offer it in the beginning of June, but I felt that I needed as much time as I could get away with! I finally bought the curriculm, so that's another load off my back!
As scary as this all is for me, I've faced bigger challenges in my life, that I was able to overcome, and I know with God's help, I'll get through this one as well.

And like our life isn't busy enough, John decided we needed to get out of town, so we're heading to Salt Lake City this week for a Monavie convention!!!
I'm excited, but at the same time I feel like there is so much we need to get done at home. The hardest part of leaving is not taking the boys with us. I'm going to miss my little boogers soooo much!

Really, who wouldn't miss these adorable faces? But I know they're going to have a blast staying with their cousins! I fear for my sister, though! I hope she'll still be sane when we get back!

They look innocent enough.... but these four can create chaos like no other!!!!

With the chaotic life I'm living at the moment, I, unfortunately have not had any time to work on the furniture I wanted to refinish. My little workshop is slowly collecting more and more furniture that I just can't leave on craigslist. But when I really think about it, the weather hasn't exactly allowed me to work on it anyway. It's been windy nearly every day for the past three months!!! Blowing dirt + wet primer = 1 big disaster!

While I'm doing a little math, here's another one: drought + wind + spark = tons of grass fires!!! Our little town hasn't received any rain for about 9 or 10 months now!!! And with the wind never letting up, any little spark is creating massive grass fires!!!  We don't have paid fire fighters, just volunteers, and let me tell you, they have had to work their tail off!!! The get called out on a daily basis. They deserve a huge thank you!!! There have been so many homes saved because of them.

This was a fire near my sisters house! It looks really freaky!

I did actually have a day of fun this past week! I joined a bunch of ladies on a shopping trip! We spent the entire day looking for outfits for our upcoming banquet! I hadn't had that much fun in such a long time! We had some deep conversations, lots of laughs and a great time getting each other to step out of our comfort zones when choosing an outfit. I know I certainly did, but now I absolutely love my outfit. I'll post pics of it on a later post.

Anyway, that is what has been going on in my life for the past three months. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it still seems a ways off.